I’m a culture worker and visual artist from Tampere, Finland. I have a MA degree in Media Culture Studies. I finished the basic studies of photography at Tampereen kesäyliopisto (open university) in April, 2021. I belong in a photography collective called ISO Kollektiivi. To me photographing is thinking, visual expression and documenting experiences. My first photography exhibition with the collective was in March, 2021. At the moment I am taking a serie of photographs called Mindaria.
About Mindaria
Mindaria is a serie of self-portraits as imaginary characters.
“As a child I saw documents about the World War II. In the middle of the destruction of the war there were people wearing gas masks uncertain of their survival. In my imagination a gas mask became a face of an intelligent insect–like creature. Nowadays the Coronavirus has forced people to wear face masks. It brought back in my mind the insect like character. It took different personifications in my mind, like an aria to be sung out of the mind.
I find the process of taking self-portraits and being the photographer, the model and the viewer interesting. As the photographer I set the camera and the lights and push the button of the remote control of the camera without seeing the model. Then as a model I pose for the camera, but without getting any directing. Finally, as the viewer I see the picture, and have the power to accept or deny the photo. Through these three roles a photo of an imaginary character becomes in the existence. The character asks an existential question: “Who am I?” There are hints of the identity of the character one can interpret, like the gaze, clothes and items, for instance.”
See the gallery.